After a shared Christmas Party last year it’s time for the first CMS (Content Management Summer) event. Folks from the Neos, Wordpress, Typo3, Joomla! and of course, Drupal Community will come together for socializing. CMS neutral talks are in the planning stage. So, if you have an interesting topic to share (Frontend, Performance, SEO, Marketing, Content Strategy or whatever), please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to hear your talk.
Since we will be a rather big group we are looking for food & drink sponsoring.
It’s always inspiring to share knowledge across boundaries and share insight about basically the same problems und achievements :-).
… and we will have a cake and self-made pizza ;-)
If you are interested in a topic presentation, please contact us, otherwise, there will be food, drink and socializing (the probability for show and tells is extremely likely!).
Sponsors are welcome ❤️
---------- General Info ----------
Das Drupal Austria Meetup richtet sich an alle Interessierten am freien Content Management System Drupal. Egal ob AnfängerIn oder Drupal Ninja, alle sind herzlich willkommen! JedeR ist eingeladen, eine Präsentation zu einem Drupal-Thema zu halten, sei es ein aktuelles Projekt oder ein interessantes Modul.
The Drupal Austria Meetup is dedicated to people interested in the Content Management System Drupal. We welcome everybody from beginners to Drupal ninjas and would be happy to see you present a recent project of yours or talk about any other Drupal-related topic. And of course we have to celebrate!