These are the notes that I took during the meetup. There are no garuntees that everything is correct, or that context is provided. But I hope it helps people.
Breakout rooms
Topics from Breakout rooms
Online conferences
Software mentioned / used at other meetups
a new plattform similar to hopin is airmeet: the drupal nyc meetup used it the last month as a test drive for the nyc camp
Can join meetups from everywhere - Germany - USA - etc.
Next topic: Loyalty System w/ Drupal 8
A cloud-based loyalty system
Developed by Allianz Austria w/ Allianz Munich
Angular front-end & Drupal Back-End
Workflows: create coupons & vouchers (also clients can login & create coupons)
3rd party
Mautic-con: €5 / MauticCon 2020: To boldly go where no marketing automation...
6-7 November Drupaljam 2020 - The largest Drupal event in the Netherlands
DrupalCamp: DrupalJam 2020 re:Boot | Hopin will be deprecated. Events will be moved to
Wolfgang Ziegler giving a presentation
Christian Ziegler is on the Track Team. DrupalCon Europe 2020 has a really awesome programm, check it out! It was also lots of works to create the schedule.
Next topic:
Federated Searches
~70% of the web is unstructured
If Drupal is storing your data, you know how it is stored.
How do you pull data from different sources?
Answer: Search | Inova
Next Topic: consent manager
Acolono says it can be hard to integrate when you have a lot of external js provider
Integrates with Google Tag Manager well.
Ads without consent - verified no tracking.
Currently working an a Drupal module for - Consent Management Tool. Will require js.
Drupal module, that has some consent management functionality without relying on a saas provider:
Maybe a Drupal Core API/hook/module for consent management would make sense. It might be good to have a way to register and enable/disable specific libraries/js on the fly. Also an open database for third party providers including their origin, company and background information would be awesome.
Klaus Purer
CMP's are slowing down site performance. Compared a dev environment w/out CMP to prod and about a 30 point difference.
Next Topic: Webforms (Antje)
WYSIWYG Editor for the admin pages. Difficult to use the UI.
Validation is not done natively by Drupal...
Nico had a good story. Open a Webform in one browser (tab) and open the same form in a second browser (tab) and then add data with the 2nd one. Wait for auto-save to run and then close the current tab. Then wait and close the form in the first browser (tab). The auto-save will use the browser tab which is closed last. Thus it overwrites data submitted.
Last Topic: updating Drupal 7 to 9
What is the status of ?
Stage 1 is stable.
Pritam from : Some modules are not Drupal 9 compatible. Waiting on that, so still doing migrations from 7 to 8 for the moment.
Github & dependabot - SAAS platform
Next Drupal-Austria Virtual Meetup: November 11, 2020